Joy, Colour + Splendour

The Love, Bonfire Story

With vibrant and enchanting use of colour, storytelling prints, natural fabrics, twinkling detail and the ability to ignite joy, the splendour of Love, Bonfire is bright and distinct.

Born in Australia, we radiate warmth, creativity and a uniquely down to earth energy.

We have a slow fashion heart, producing transeasonal collections made with utmost craftsmanship, thought and creativity.

Our commitment to igniting joy is not limited to design, it is the soul of our business. We actively throw ourselves behind causes we love, plant trees for every order placed and continuously strive to reduce our environmental impact. For us, the input is as important as the output across, everything we do.

More than anything, our aspiration is that Love, Bonfire pieces are considered keepsakes. The ultimate compliment; and the future proofing of our world.

Behind The Brand

Behind the brand sits Stephanie Cunningham. A proud mother of four and someone who delights in finding the ridiculous, celebrating individualism and creating joy.

Stephanie grew up surrounded by the nuts and bolts of running a fashion business. As a child, her mother had a label which saw her spending every afternoon post school on the shop floor, instilling in her the twinkle of both a business and creative eye. She is part of a family where the entrepreneurial spirit is strong; at age 11 her family moved from Australia over to Nashville, Tennessee to start a healthcare business. It was at this impressionable age that she was indoctrinated into the world of rhinestones, tassels and cowboy boots, only further cementing her love for flamboyance and glamour. After completing her university studies, she spent her twenties in London working in creative agencies where her design sense was set on fire by the overwhelm of history, architecture and street fashion at every corner. It is this cross-cultural upbringing, underpinned by a strong connection to her Australian home that fuels the Love, Bonfire aesthetic.

Stephanie’s Love, Bonfire muses are the strong and beautiful women in her life (especially her mother, sister, daughters, nieces and friends) and she is inspired by the wild beauty of nature, the wonder of travel, the escapism of music and the spirit of Queens (including the Drag, Royal and everyday variety). In Stephanie’s eyes, the Love, Bonfire woman lights up the sky. She is enchanting, full of life and draws her people in. Stephanie is very proud to lead a brand with a responsible heart, powered by a talented female team; and she especially loves her children for leaning into the juggling madness with her.  

Love, Bonfire is intrinsically linked to joy; the joy in wearing it, the joy it brings to a room and the joy in knowing it is a brand with a responsible heart.

Love, Bonfire celebrates the beauty, warmth and magnetism of colour. From lively pops to vibrant print, we strongly believe colour evokes a happy mind and a merry spirit.

Love, Bonfire ignites a sense of wonder, individuality and awe. It's splendour lies in the intangible magic and memories that radiate off beautiful and thoughtfully crafted pieces that stand the test of time.